Intelligent Soft Semiconductors Lab

고분자공학 (Fundamentals of Polymer Science and Technology)
강의소개 (Syllabus)
Chapter 1. Introduction to Polymers
Chapter 2. Classification of Polymers
Chapter 3. Chain Structure and Configuration of Polymers
Chapter 4. Chemical Composition of Polymers
Chapter 5. Polymer Solution
Chapter 6. Polymers in Solid-States
Chapter 7. Mechanical Properties of Polymers
기초전자회로 (Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits)
강의소개 (Syllabus)
Chapter 1. Resistors and Ohm's Law
Chapter 2. Introduction to Direct Current Circuits
Chapter 3. Inductors
Chapter 4. Capacitors
Chapter 5. Fundamentals of Analog Circuits
Chapter 6. PN Junction Diodes and Applications
Chatper 7. Transistors and Digital Logic Gates
반도체공학 (Introduction to Semiconductor Engineering)
강의소개 (Syllabus)
Chapter 1. Crystal Structures of Semiconductors
Chapter 2. Quantum Mechanics for Semiconductors
Chapter 3. Energy Bands of Semiconductors
Chapter 4. Charge Carriers in Semiconductors
Chapter 5. Extrinsic Semiconductors and Doping
Chapter 6. Charge Transport in Semiconductors
Chapter 7. Excess Charge Carriers in Semiconductors
나노소재공학 (Fundamentals of Nano Materials and Technology)
강의소개 (Syllabus)
Chapter 1. Diversity of Materials and Bonding
Chapter 2. Introduction to Nano Technology
Chapter 3. Crystal Structure and Surface Energy of Nano Materials
Chapter 4. Quantum Effects of Nano Materials
Chapter 5. Fundamentals of Nano Carbon Materials
Chapter 6. Synthesis and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes
Chapter 7. Graphene and 2D Materials
나노소재공학 (Fundamentals of Nano Materials and Technology)
강의소개 (Syllabus)
Chapter 1. Diversity of Materials and Bonding
Chapter 2. Introduction to Nano Technology
Chapter 3. Crystal Structure and Surface Energy of Nano Materials
Chapter 4. Quantum Effects of Nano Materials
Chapter 5. Fundamentals of Nano Carbon Materials
Chapter 6. Synthesis and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes
Chapter 7. Graphene and 2D Materials
웨어러블 디바이스 공학 (Wearable Devices Engineering)
강의소개 (Syllabus)
Chapter 1. Introduction to Wearable Smart Devices
Chapter 2. Flexible and Stretchable Electrodes
Chapter 3. Sensors for Wearable Devices
Chapter 4. Printed and Flexible Electronic Circuits for Wearable Microprocessors
Chapter 5. Flexible and Stretchable Wearable Displays
Chapter 6. Energy Harvesting and Storage for Wearable Devices
Chapter 7. Textile Electronics